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Reach Out Lakota, community pantry serving West Chester & Liberty Townships

Need Help?

Reach Out Lakota provides food and clothing to families living in West Chester & Liberty Townships that meet eligibility requirements. If you are need of help, bring the required paperwork listed below to our office at 6561 Station Road in West Chester on Mondays 4:30pm-7pm, Wednesdays 10am-Noon or Fridays 10am-Noon. Contact with questions.

If you qualify for service from Reach Out Lakota, you can expect to receive groceries and/or clothing. Groceries are selected for you based on your family size. Clothing and small household items are available from our clothing pantry. You will be allowed to shop from our selection of these items. Rules and limits will be explained when you apply for service.

For more information about services throughout Butler County visit the Butler County Family & Children First Council website.